(Fig.4C4C and Fig. 6D) and/or the caudate-putamen nucleus or the hippocampus (see below), depending on the position of their perikaryon in the cc. Moreover, many NADPH-d+/NOSIP located over the lateral ventricle sent dendrites as far as the ependymal layer. Figure 6 Morphology of NADPH-d+ neurons in the rat corpus callosum. (A) A bipolar NADPH-d+ intracallosal neuron with long dendrites extending along the VE-822 purchase rostrocaudal axis of the corpus callosum. (B) A pyriform NADPH-d+ neuron in the ependymal region. (C) Three … Some NADPH-d+/NOSIP neurons located in layer VI of the cerebral cortex, the white matter, or the caudate-putamen nucleus
had dendrites reaching Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the cc. Bundles Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of labeled beaded processes that were not
in continuity with neighboring NADPH-d+/NOSIP neurons could be observed along the rostrocaudal extension of the cc. Several labeled neurons were also seen around the ependymal layer of the lateral ventricle (Fig. (Fig.5A5A and E, Fig. Fig.6B6B and E). Figure 5 Photomicrographs of nNOSIP neurons in the rat corpus callosum. (A) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Low-power photomicrograph showing the distribution of nNOSIP neurons. (B) A bipolar neuron close to an intracallosal blood vessel. Framed area enlarged in C. (C) Enlarged area showing … Neurons positive for NADPH-dHi were counted in two brains (CC-NADPH-10, -11, both hemispheres; see Table Table2),2), carefully avoiding including labeled neurons from the overlying white matter or the dorsal hippocampal commissure. In CC-NADPH-10, neurons were counted in 145 50-μm thick sections (accounting overall for 7250 μm of thickness); in CC-NADPH-11, sections were 130 and their thickness was 50 μm (overall Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 6500 μm of thickness). In CC-NADPH-10,
there were 2959 positive neurons (on average 20.4 neurons/section); Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of these, 2583 lay in the cc body and 376 (12.70%) in the ependymal region of the cc; in CC-NADPH-11, there were 2227 NADPH-d+ neurons (on average 17.1/section) of which 2029 were located in the body and 198 (8.89%) in the ependymal region. Ependymal from neurons had a predominantly fusiform morphology. Counts performed in 278 pooled neurons from cases CC-NADPH-5, -7, -9 indicated that 46.76% (130/278) were fusiform, 25.17% (70/278) were polygonal, and that round and pyramidal neurons accounted for 19.06% (53/278) and 8.99% (25/278), respectively. Morphology of NADPH-d+ neurons All NADPH-d+ neurons found in the cc were intensely stained and showed a Golgi-like appearance. Labeled neurons allowed studying the morphology of cc neurons whose somatic and dendritic characteristics enabled their classification into five distinct types: bipolar (fusiform, rectangular), round, polygonal (quadrangular), and pyramidal (triangular-pyriform). Bipolar neurons These neurons were about 28.03% (see Table Table3)3) of the entire population of NADPH-d+ intracallosal neurons.