This implies the consideration of possible functional differences in different species. Here, we compare single unit recordings from MNTB principal cells in vivo in three different
SNS-032 solubility dmso rodent species: gerbil, mouse and rat. Because of their good low-frequency hearing gerbils are often used in in vivo preparations, while mice and rats are predominantly used in slice preparations. We show that MNTB units in all three species exhibit high firing rates and precise onset-timing. Still there are species-specific specializations that might suggest the preferential use of one species over the others, depending on the scope of the respective investigation. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The calyx of Held is a morphologically complex nerve terminal containing hundreds to thousands of active zones. The calyx must support high rates of transient, sound-evoked vesicular release superimposed on a background of sustained release, due to the high spontaneous rates of some afferent fibers. One means of distributing
vesicle release in space and time is to have heterogeneous release probabilities (P-r) at distinct active zones, which has been observed at several CNS synapses including the calyx of Held. P-r may be modulated by vesicle proximity to Ca2+ channels, by Ca2+ buffers, by changes in phosphorylation state of proteins involved in the release process, or by local variations in Ca2+ influx. In this study, we explore the idea that the complex geometry of the calyx also contributes to heterogeneous P-r by impeding equal propagation 5-Fluoracil price of action potentials through all calyx compartments.
Given the difficulty of probing ion channel distribution and recording from adult calyces, we undertook a structural and modeling approach based on computerized reconstructions of calyces labeled in adult cats. We were thus able to manipulate placement of conductances and test their effects on Ca2+ concentration in all regions of the calyx following an evoked action potential in the calyceal axon. selleck compound Our results indicate that with a non-uniform distribution of Na+ and K+ channels, action potentials do not propagate uniformly into the calyx, Ca2+ influx varies across different release sites, and latency for these events varies among calyx compartments. We suggest that the electrotonic structure of the calyx of Held, which our modeling efforts indicate is very sensitive to the axial resistivity of cytoplasm, may contribute to variations in release probability within the calyx. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Intake of endophyte-infected tall fescue by cattle results in fescue toxicosis, which is characterized by increased hyperthermia during heat stress and concomitant reductions in feed intake and growth.