open repair for subclavian arterial injuries, thanks to the growi

open repair for subclavian arterial injuries, thanks to the growing experience of endovascular surgeons coupled to rapid technologies’ development. Furthermore, the indications for endovascular stent grafting

were stretched: in 2005, hemodynamical PLX4032 cost instability status was still pointed out as a contraindication to endovascular approach, as well as complete vessel transaction [21]; 6 years later, the series by Shalhub and coll. [5] extended the indication to hemodynamically unstable patients as well as to patients reporting complete vessel transaction thanks to the application of a new endovascular technique based on the use of a combined brachial and femoral arterial access to create a brachial-femoral wire and repair of transected mid-to-distal subclavian or axillary artery [9]. In our opinion, according to the observation by Danetz [21]and Shalhub [5], the creation of an OR environment with full endovascular capability, where open and endovascular techniques can be used as well as other necessary procedures such as exploratory laparotomy and orthopedic fixation, without the need to transport the unstable patient, is crucial for a fast and multidisciplinary management of trauma patients. Consent Written Trametinib cell line informed consent was obtained

from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the editor-in-chief of this journal. References 1. Kendall KM, Burton JH, Cushing B: Fatal subclavian artery transection from isolated clavicle fracture. J Trauma PSI-7977 2000, 48:316–318.PubMedCrossRef 2. Stokkeland PJ, Soreide K, Fjetland L: Acute endovascular repair of right subclavian arterial perforation from clavicular fracture after blunt trauma. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2007, 18:689–690.PubMedCrossRef 3. Brandt MM, Kazanjian S, Wahl W: The utility of endovascular stents in the treatment of blunt arterial injuries. J Trauma 2001, 51:901–905.PubMedCrossRef 4. Rulliat E, Ndiaye A, David Montelukast Sodium J-S, Voiglio EJ, Lieutaud T: Subclavian artery rupture after road crash: many similitaries. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2011,30(12)):909–913.PubMed

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