Such a mode of movement, which led to no significant travel in ei

Such a mode of movement, which led to no significant travel in either direction, is referred to as kinking henceforth. Contrary to the failure in continuous forward movement, these innexin mutants propagated full tail-to-head body bends (Figure 3A, arrowheads) that led to continuous backing (Figure 3C). Moreover, in contrast to a reduced forward movement, they

exhibited an increased propensity to move backward (Figure 3B; Movie S2, parts B–D). Therefore, the motor deficit of innexin mutants, a specific inability for continuous forward movement, Temozolomide concomitant with hyperactivated backing reflects a shift from wild-type animals’ preference for forward motion to backing. To identify the cause of the altered characteristics of directional motion, we examined the motoneuron output pattern in these innexin mutants. Wild-type animals generated either a B > A or an A > B pattern that is associated with continuous forward or backward movement, respectively (Figures 2A, 4A, and 4E). Strikingly, innexin mutants specifically

failed to generate the B > A pattern. During kinking, a phase in which they did not travel in either direction, VA8 and VB9 exhibited long periods of superimposed calcium transient profiles (Figures 4B, 4C, and 4E). Such a state, referred to as A = B henceforth, contrasts the case in wild-type Akt inhibitor animals in which VA8 and VB9 calcium profiles were almost always separated (Figures 2 and 4A). This indicates that kinking represents a frustrated, or nonproductive,

state in which the body wall musculature receives a similar level of inputs from the A and B motoneurons to move in opposite directions. When innexin mutants moved backward, VA8 exhibited a higher activity than that of VB9 (A > B state), with a mean difference similar to that of wild-type animals during backing (shaded areas in Figures 4B, 4C, and 4E). Therefore, although these innexin found mutants were capable of generating the backing-associated, higher backward-output pattern (A > B), they failed to establish the higher forward-output pattern (B > A) that correlated with continuous forward movement in wild-type animals. It was instead replaced by B = A, an equal-output pattern that correlated with kinking. If the inability of innexin mutants to execute continuous forward movement results from their inability to break an A = B output, we should be able to convert kinking into forward movement by reestablishing the higher forward-circuit output (B > A) pattern. Indeed, when we reduced A motoneuron activity by expressing TWK-18(gf), a constitutively active K+ channel that induces membrane hyperpolarization ( Kunkel et al., 2000), a B > A activity profile was reestablished ( Figures 4D and 4E), accompanied by a restored continuous forward motion in these innexin mutants ( Figure S2A; Movie S3, parts A–D).

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