Local perfusion of immepip into the TMN increased, and thioperamide decreased, histamine levels in the TMN but not in the PFC. Local perfusion of immepip into the PFC, however, decreased extracellular histamine levels in both TMN and PFC. It can be concluded that brain H3 receptors, and especially those expressed in the PFC, play an important role in the autoregulation of histamine neurotransmission. It is possible that H3 receptors in the PFC are expressed on pyramidal neurons projecting to the TMN, and activation of these receptors diminishes
glutamate excitatory input from PFC to the TMN. As the brain histamine system has a role in pathophysiology of psychotic, affective, cognitive, sleep and eating disorders, click here H3 receptors are potential targets for future CNS medications. ”
“Previous studies have demonstrated that humans are sometimes capable of initiating arm movements towards visual stimuli at extremely short latencies, implying the presence
of a short-latency neural pathway linking visual input to limb motor output. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms that underlie such hastened arm responses. One clue may come from recent demonstrations that the appearance of a visual target can elicit a rapid response in neck muscles that is time-locked to target appearance and functionally http://www.selleckchem.com/products/Trichostatin-A.html relevant for orienting gaze (head and eye) towards the target. Because oculomotor structures thought to contribute to ‘visual responses’ on neck muscles also target some arm muscles via a tecto-reticulo-spinal pathway, we hypothesized that a similar visual response would be present in arm muscles.
Our results were consistent with this hypothesis as we observed the presence of rapid arm muscle activity (< 100 ms latency) that was time-locked to target appearance and not movement onset. We further found that the visual response in arm muscles: (i) was present only when an immediate reach towards the target was required; (ii) had a magnitude that was predictive of reaction time; (iii) was tuned PAK5 to target location in a manner appropriate for moving the arm towards the target; and (iv) was more prevalent in shoulder muscles than elbow muscles. These results provide evidence for a rapid neural pathway linking visual input to arm motor output and suggest the presence of a common neural mechanism for hastening eye, head and arm movements. ”
“We have previously shown that mice lateral superior olive (LSO) neurons exhibit a large hyperpolarization-activated current (Ih), and that hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated type 1 channels are present in both the soma and dendrites of these cells. Here we show that the dendritic Ih in LSO neurons modulates the integration of multiple synaptic inputs.