(J Vasc Surg 2012; 55: 1196-201.)”
“Discussions of the foundations of perceptual inference have often centered on 2 governing principles, the likelihood principle and the simplicity principle. Historically, these principles have usually been seen as opposed, but contemporary statistical (e.g., Bayesian) theory tends to see them as consistent, because for a variety of reasons simpler models (i.e., those with fewer dimensions or free parameters) make better predictors than more complex ones. In perception, many interpretation spaces are naturally hierarchical, meaning that they consist of a set of mutually embedded model classes of various levels of complexity, including simpler (lower
dimensional) classes that are special cases of more complex ones. This article Nutlin-3 ic50 shows how such spaces can be regarded as algebraic structures, for example, as partial orders or lattices, with interpretations ordered in terms of dimensionality. The natural inference rule in such a space is a kind of simplicity rule: Among all interpretations qualitatively consistent with the image, draw the one that is lowest in the partial order, called the maximum-depth interpretation. This interpretation also maximizes the Bayesian posterior under certain simplifying assumptions,
consistent with a unification of simplicity and likelihood principles. Moreover, the algebraic approach brings out the compositional structure buy GDC-0973 inherent in such spaces, showing how perceptual interpretations
are composed from a lexicon of primitive perceptual descriptors.”
“Spinal cord ischemia (SCI) is a catastrophic complication of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) repair. This article describes our early experience with a technique for maintaining perfusion of segmental vessels (intercostals and lumbars) in the early postoperative period after endovascular repair of a TAAA, with “”sac perfusion branches”" added to custom-made stent grafts. These are closed 7 to 10 days after the first procedure to complete exclusion of the aneurysm. We have used check details this technique in 10 patients with type II TAAAs. One developed monoparesis of the right leg during a period of hypotension secondary to a cardiac event and died within 30 days. Two patients developed lower limb weakness after closure of the perfusion branches, both with full recovery. Controlled perfusion of segmental vessels with perfusion branches is feasible and may be a useful adjunct to prevent SCI, providing protection to spinal cord perfusion during the immediate postoperative period when risk of SCI is greatest. (J Vasc Surg 2012; 55: 1202-5.)”
“Many “”if p, then q”" conditionals have ‘decision-theoretic features, such as antecedents or consequents that relate to the utility functions of various agents. These decision-theoretic features leak into reasoning processes, resulting in various paralogical conclusions.