g., Petrovich, 2011). Specifically, areas of the amygdala (LA, BA, ABA) VX-770 order process these learned cues associated with food and relay them to the LH. Such cues, if sufficiently potent, can stimulate eating in animals that are sated. Feeding does not occur in a vacuum. As noted above, when threat levels rise, feeding is suppressed (Gray, 1987, Lima and Dill, 1990, Blanchard et al., 1990 and Fanselow, 1994). For example, a tone previously paired with shock inhibits feeding (Petrovich, 2011)
and food-motivated instrumental behavior (e.g., Cardinal et al., 2002). Connections from the basolateral amygdala to the LH facilitate feeding by a CS associated with food, while the suppression of feeding by an aversive CS involves outputs of the CEA. The exact target remains to be determined but CEA connects with LH both directly and indirectly (Petrovich et al., 1996 and Pitkänen
et al., 1997). While threat processing normally trumps feeding, at some point the risk of encountering harm is balanced against the risk of starvation. A similar case can be made for the suppression of other behaviors by threat processing. For example, medial amygdala areas that process threat related odors suppress reproduction via connections Cabozantinib in vivo to VHM reproductive circuits (Choi et al., 2005). The fact that the amygdala contributes to appetitive states (e.g., Rolls, 1999, Rolls, 2005, Everitt et al., 1999, Everitt et al., 2003, Gallagher and Astemizole Holland, 1994, Holland and Gallagher, 2004, Cardinal et al., 2002, Baxter and Murray, 2002 and Moscarello et al., 2009) as well as defense (see above) does not mean that the amygdala processes food and threat
related cues in the same way. Similarly, the fact that both appetitive and aversive stimuli activate the amgydala in fMRI studies (e.g., Canli et al., 2002, Hamann et al., 2002 and Lane et al., 1999) does not mean that these stimuli are processed the same by the amygdala. Recent unit recording studies in primates show that appetitive and aversive signals are processed by distinct neuronal populations of cells in the lateral/basal amygdala (Paton et al., 2006, Belova et al., 2007, Belova et al., 2008, Morrison and Salzman, 2010, Ono and Nishijo, 1992, Rolls, 1992, Rolls, 1999 and Rolls, 2005). Molecular imaging techniques with cellular resolution show that similarities in activation at the level of brain areas obscures differences at the microcircuit level (Lin et al., 2011). Because different groups of mammals faced different selective pressures, the behavioral responses controlled by conserved survival circuits can differ. As ethologists have long noted, many survival-related behaviors are expressed in species-specific ways (e.g., Tinbergen, 1951, Lorenz, 1981 and Manning, 1967). Consider escape from a threat. We’ve seen evidence for conserved defense circuits across mammals and even across vertebrates, but behavioral responses controlled by these circuits can differ dramatically.