Where there was difficulty interpreting or extracting data, the author was contacted. The presence or absence of the
program-related factors shown in Table 1 was tabulated in order to identify sources of heterogeneity. These data were then reconfigured to represent patient-level data in Microsoft Excel. A single row was assigned to each participant in the study, and each participant was assigned either a 1 or a 0 to reflect overall adherence, eg, for 100 participants with a mean adherence of 60%, 60 rows were assigned a 1 and 40 rows assigned a 0. Each study also was coded as to the presence or absence of the factors shown in Table 1. A random-effects logistic regression was then performed, utilising Stata IC 11a. This enabled the attainment
of an odds ratio and 95% CI relating to each factor. In this way, the relationship between the selected factors and the figure of adherence was determined. Trametinib Out of the 26 datasets utilised, 14 provided a measure of adherence excluding drop outs. A sensitivity analysis was conducted using this additional measure of adherence in order to gauge the effect, if any, of their inclusion on the results obtained (Cochrane Collaboration 2002b). In order to determine the pooled proportion of adherence across included studies, the variances of the raw proportions were calculated using a Freeman-Tukey-type arcsine square root transformation (Mills et al 2006).The I2 statistic was calculated as a measure of the proportion of overall variation in adherence that was linked to between-study Lumacaftor order heterogeneity. A large degree of heterogeneity was anticipated considering the varied intervention components, isothipendyl settings, and participant characteristics (Cochrane
Collaboration 2002a). The DerSimonian-Laird random-effects method was then utilised to pool the proportions and the Freeman-Tukey transformed error estimates. This identified studies as a sample of all potential studies, and provided an additional between-study component to the estimate of variability (Mills et al 2006). To examine the relationship between adherence and falls efficacy, random effects maximum likelihood meta-regression was implemented, utilising Stataa. Studies that provided a numerical measure of fallers and non-fallers at follow-up in both the control and intervention group were included in this analysis. An odds ratio of fallers to non-fallers comparing the intervention group to the control group, and a 95% CI was calculated for each study. These data were then pooled via meta-regression. Four studies analysed also stated the mean adherence, excluding participants who discontinued the intervention. A sensitivity analysis was conducted on these studies, using the additional measure of adherence, in order to ascertain the effect, if any, on the efficacy results obtained. The database searches yielded 208 papers, and 2 additional papers were obtained from other sources known to the researchers.