65-fold ± 0.1) (Fig. 7B) and increased the sensitivity to Ca2+ (Fig. 7C), mimicking FA accumulation and steatotic condition. To demonstrate that GSK3 is the kinase or, at least, one of the kinases that contribute to VDAC phosphorylation in lean condition, we reduced its expression of 80% by small interfering RNA (siRNA) and observed a 46% decrease in P-Thr VDAC in HHL-5 cells (Fig. 7D). Finally, using recombinant (i.e., VDAC1, GSK3, Bcl-XL) and native purified proteins (i.e., VDAC), we observed in vitro that VDAC and Bcl-XL can be direct substrates for phosphorylation by GSK3β and suggest
that no other kinase is needed (Supporting Fig. 5). Unraveling the initial molecular mechanisms leading to fatty liver disease in humans is of major clinical importance. Because activation of signaling pathways may precede the clinical symptoms,1 a series BMS-354825 in vivo of models of liver steatosis were used to study the early stage of NAFLD. This led us to show, for the first time, that liver steatosis in humans is associated with a lack of VDAC phosphorylation. This modification was also observed both in a genetic model of obesity, the ob/ob mice, which is devoid of inflammation and fibrosis, at
least in young animals,13 and in the steatotic liver of HFD-fed mice. No change in other phosphorylable amino acids, such as tyrosine or serine, was observed (not shown). These observations suggest that VDAC lack of phosphorylation may represent a hallmark of steatosis in mammals. In addition Silmitasertib molecular weight to their impaired metabolic function,4 上海皓元医药股份有限公司 we show for the first time that mitochondria from ob/ob mice are more prone to Ca2+-induced PT, water and small molecules entry, and Cyt c release, suggesting a sensitization of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Indeed, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced apoptosis and Ca2+ release by endoplasmic reticulum have been shown to be responsible for the massive hepatocyte loss observed in the late stages of NAFLD.20, 21 The absence of apoptosis and caspase activation in ob/ob mice might be explained by the earliness of the model.22 The cellular experiments revealed that intracellular FA accumulation
is rapidly followed by VDAC dephosphorylation and ΔΨm loss sensitization. Thus, our current data obtained in ob/ob mice and FA-treated cells offer novel insights into the early phases of NAFLD pathogenesis and early mitochondrial alterations. Importantly, we found differences in VDAC functions that were exacerbated by Ca2+. Thus, the level of VDAC phosphorylation proved to modulate the ionic channel permeability of VDAC in response to Ca2+, which may influence mitochondrial OM permeability.23, 24 Moreover, the overstimulation of oxidase function of VDAC purified from ob/ob mice by Ca2+ may affect the cellular metabolism by increasing NAD+ levels available either for redox processes, ADP-ribosylation reactions, or sirtuin-mediated deacetylations.