4 The literature of Aspergillus sp., shows antibacterial and anticancer activity. The compound of Aspergillus shows antibacterial activity with n-butane, water, chloroform, and acetone. 5 Marine water samples were collected from coastal belt covering Krishna, Guntur & Prakasam Dist of Andhra Pradesh covering over an area of 960 km. The water samples were collected in sterile tight bottles and transferred to the laboratory in 24 h of duration. The water sample is diluted with Selleckchem ZD1839 different dilution rates. An equal
proportion of volume is spread on Rose Bengal medium for an incubation of 3–4 days in room temperature. After the time of incubation isolated colonies were observed and pure cultures were maintained for each strain. The selected strain with full loop is placed at the center of Sabouraud dextrose agar and incubated to obtain colony for morphological identification. In order to accurately identify fungi it is essential to study the microscopic organism by slide culture technique.6 The selected fungi were inoculated in each 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 200 ml of potato dextrose broth
medium. The flask was incubated in at 28°c for a week. After the metabolite production, equal volume of ethyl acetate is added to each flask and incubated for few hours. Finally cell filtrate is separated Alectinib order by filtration using filter paper. The broth and solvent were separated using separating funnel. The organic phase is collected and solvent is separated by condensed method using Rota vapor. Finally obtained crude extract is weighed and dissolved in 10% DMSO for antimicrobial studies.7 Antibacterial activity of fungal extracts was performed using standard disc
diffusion method. Six bacteria were used as indicator targets. Assay was done with different concentrations. After the incubation of bacterial cultures with fungal extracts for 24 h the antibacterial assay was evaluated by measuring the diameter of growth inhibition zones using diameter measuring scale. The inhibition radii means the clear zone in which the tested micro organism did not grow, DMSO is taken as control for activities.8 TLC is performed to analyze the fractions Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease (compounds) present in the crude extract. Separation of the compound depends on the usage of solvents. Silica gel is prepared in slurry form and evenly spread on glass plate. Crude extract prepared with a concentration of 1 mg/ml was placed on the TLC plate and dried. After running with Hexane and Ethyl acetate solvents at different proportions, spots were identified with iodine crystal vapors.9 Curvularia sp., is a filamentous fungi which grows rapidly on potato dextrose agar at 27 °C and produces woolly colonies which later turn dark brown to black. The hyphae are septate and produce brown conidiophores which bear pyriform conidia. After incubation of slide culture, slides are stained with Lactophenol blue for microscopic examination.