3%), those for whom this was not available were less likely to meet clinical criteria for AIDS around the time of diagnosis, so our reported proportion presenting late may slightly overestimate that for all people diagnosed. Trichostatin A concentration The proportion of late presentation in a group depends on: (a) current and past testing; (b) the pattern of the underlying epidemic, particularly its duration and recent infection rate; and (c) the rate of HIV progression once infection has occurred. For example, not only will the proportion presenting late be higher if there has been less HIV testing, but also if the epidemic
in that group has been longstanding. Late presentation was less common among MSM than among those heterosexually infected. More testing among MSM is likely to be a major reason for this, as overall they were very much more likely to have had a previous recent HIV test. Higher rates of HIV testing among MSM were also shown in New Zealand sexual health clinics [10]. This may not, however, be the whole explanation. In the early 2000s HIV diagnoses in New Zealand among both MSM and heterosexual men and women increased. Among MSM the increase was predominantly a result of a rise in infections acquired in New Zealand, suggestive of local ongoing transmission among this group. However, most of the
rise of heterosexually acquired infections was a result of more people having been infected overseas, selleck chemical predominantly selleck people from high-prevalence countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, the lower proportion of late diagnoses among MSM may also be a result of a higher proportion of recent infections in this group. On the other hand, the larger proportion of older MSM presenting late could be a reflection of a more established epidemic among these men, with the previously undiagnosed men having been
infected for longer, or alternatively could be a result of their HIV infection having progressed more rapidly, as has been noted [15]. The former is the more likely explanation, as fewer MSM aged 40 years or over had had a negative HIV test in the previous 2 years than men in the younger groups. In addition, among those infected less than 2 years before diagnosis (based on having had a previous negative test), the CD4 cell count was not lower among the oldest group of men (data not shown). The other major difference among the MSM was by ethnicity. Compared with those of European ethnicity, Māori MSM were about twice, and Pacific MSM two-and-a-half times, more likely to present with ‘advanced HIV disease’ after adjustment for age. There is no reason to believe that the HIV epidemic among MSM in these ethnic groups is more mature compared with MSM of European ethnicity, or that they have a faster disease progression, so the difference is most likely to reflect different patterns of testing. Among those for whom the information was known, 63.