, 2008). A possible, although speculative, mechanism for this to occur in
the brain is via glutamate (Glu) acetylcholine (ACh) interactions as shown in Fig. 6 [proposed by Hasselmo & Sarter (2011) in the rat prefrontal cortex]. Local ACh release may help in further biasing information in early visual cortex. This was simulated in the model by stimulating mAChRs, which altered the b parameter (as described above) of the excitatory and inhibitory neurons that top-down signals projected to when these top-down signals were applied. The results section is organised as follows. We first demonstrate that our model matches experimental research done by Herrero et al. (2008) showing that the cholinergic system modulates attention in visual cortex. We then analyse the between-cell correlations and find that correlations are reduced by both top-down attention, as was seen by Cohen & Maunsell (2009) and Proteasome inhibitor Mitchell et al. (2009), and muscarinic receptor activation, as was selleck chemical seen by Goard & Dan (2009). In this section, we further show that these decorrelations
were mediated by excitatory–inhibitory and inhibitory–inhibitory interactions and left excitatory–excitatory correlations unchanged. Finally, we analyse the between-trial correlations and demonstrate that both top-down attention and BF activation lead to increases in the between-trial correlations of excitatory neurons. As described in the Introduction, Herrero et al. (2008) performed four electrophysiological and pharmacological experiments on macaque monkeys and showed that ACh modulates
attention. They had the subjects: (i) attend toward the RF that they were recording from while they applied ACh to this RF, (ii) attended away from the recorded RF while they applied ACh to the recorded RF, (iii) attend toward the recorded RF without applying ACh, and (iv) attend away from the RF without applying ACh. In the model, stimulating the frontal areas that project to RF1 and RF2, respectively, simulated the ‘attend toward’ and ‘attend away’ conditions. The ACh application condition (‘mAChR’ condition in Fig. 7) involved stimulating the muscarinic receptors in RF1 by increasing both the inhibitory and the excitatory cell’s excitability as described in the Methods. Our model matched results from Herrero et al. (2008) by showing that ACh contributes to attentional modulation. PFKL To exhibit this, we created a series of plots from our model (Fig. 7) that can be easily compared with those shown in fig. 1A of Herrero et al. In Fig. 7, we show raster plots, time-dependent firing rates and average firing rates for 100 excitatory neurons in layer 2/3 of RF1 for the first 5 s of the movie presentation and for the four conditions performed in Herrero et al. (2008). The firing rate was calculated by summing the number of spikes across the neuron population and smoothing this out using a moving average with a bin size of 100 ms.