Cholangitis is a careful complication after stone extraction. Endoscopic biliary stenting (EBS) after incomplete extraction of stones is sometimes performed in patients with comorbidities and poor performance status. We retrospectively investigated the risk factors for cholangitis after biliary stone extraction and the characteristics of patients who underwent EBS due to residual stones. Methods: Between October 2011 and January 2014, 130 consecutive patients
underwent endoscopic extraction of bile duct stones. Risk factors for cholangitis after biliary extraction were investigated. The number and diameter of biliary stones, number of ERCP sessions, and duration of hospital stay were compared in patients whose stones were completely extracted (Group A) and those who underwent EBS due to residual stones (Group B). In Group B, the incidence of cholangitis in patients treated with single plastic stenting (SPS) versus multiple plastic stenting (MPS) was compared. Results: Multivariate analysis revealed that EBS was a significant Selleck ALK inhibitor risk factor for cholangitis after biliary stone extraction (odds ratio, 5.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.9–15.1; p < 0.01). There were 103 patients in Group A (mean age, 74 years; 51 males and
52 females) and 27 in Group B (83 years; 7 males and 20 females). Patients in Group A 上海皓元 required more sessions of ERCP (1.4
vs. 1.1, p < 0.01) and longer hospital stays (17.5 vs. 10.8, p = 0.07). Patients in Group B had more stones on average (2.7 vs. 3.7, p < 0.01) and stones with a significantly greater diameter (10.6 mm vs. 16.1 mm, p = 0.03) than patients in Group A. In Group B, MPS tended to be associated with a lower incidence of cholangitis than SPS (p = 0.09). Conclusion: EBS is a risk factor for cholangitis after stone extraction, even though EBS is usually performed in high-risk patients as a palliative procedure. Multiple biliary stenting is effective for reducing the risk of cholangitis in patients with residual biliary stones. Key Word(s): 1. biliary stenting bile duct stone cholangitis Presenting Author: GUNAWAN JEFFRI Additional Authors: RANGGA RABBINU, ALBAR ZULJASRI, SYAM ARI FAHRIAL, SANITYOSO ANDRI, WIDHANI ALVINA, LUBIS ANNA MIRA Corresponding Author: GUNAWAN JEFFRI Affiliations: University of Indonesia, University of Indonesia, University of Indonesia, University of Indonesia, University of Indonesia, University of Indonesia Objective: Portal vein thrombosis considered as the primary cause of adults portal hypertension. Commonly occurs in patient with cirrhosis, this entity could manifest as asymptomatic and symptomatic forms (portal hypertensive bleeding, abdominal pain, and intestinal infarction).