Among those aged ≥65 years, there is evidence of serotype replacement with an
increase in NVT incidence, also shown in the USA and elsewhere [37] and [38]. This serotype replacement may be attributable to PPV23 use; however, the timing of the observed decline does not correspond with this introduction. Among those aged <5 and 5–64 years, serotype replacement is less clear, masked by serotype 1 IPD which was increasing prior to PCV7 use before decreasing. However, adjusting for this, serotype replacement in these groups has been less pronounced in Scotland than reported in England and Wales [25] and elsewhere [39] and [40]. It is unclear why Scotland is different to England and Wales. One possibility could be replacement in the nasopharynx of Scottish residents by opportunistic NVTs which predominantly cause IPD in those ≥65 years. Studying changes in nasopharyngeal carriage Talazoparib clinical trial before
and after PCV7 use, as done elsewhere [41] and [42], could shed more light on this. These studies found no reduction in overall carriage click here due to increased NVT carriage following PCV7 introduction. Huang et al. identified evidence of increased carriage of NVT serotype 29 and an increase in serotype 15; Flasche et al. report increases in carriage of several NVT serotypes (33F, 7F, 10A, 34, 15B, 31, 21, 3, 19A, 15C, and 23A) following PCV7 use. In the UK, serotypes 3 and 19A were the most prevalent IPD causing serotypes in those aged >65 years from 2008–2010
[43], potentially due to increased carriage of these serotypes post-PCV7 introduction. Therefore, it would be of interest to examine changes in serotype carriage post-PCV7 in Scotland. A strength of this study is that Scottish IPD data can be considered as a complete national data set as >90% of pneumococci those isolated from IPD patients in Scotland are sent to the SHLMPRL [44]. Although there has not been an investigation of changes in sensitivity of IPD reporting due to PCV7 use in Scotland, no changes were anticipated as the surveillance system has not altered. By using logistic and poisson regression to model linear trends, evidence of changes in the serotype and ST epidemiology can be identified. The 13-valent PCV (PCV13) contains the PCV7 serotypes, as well as 1, 3, 5, 6A, 7F and 19A. PCV13 was introduced in the UK in 2010 and should aid in the prevention of further IPD, however as there will be serotypes linked to those in PCV13 through STs associated with PCV13 serotypes, a change in serotype distribution can perhaps be anticipated due to increases in those linked serotypes. Therefore, it is important to continue to monitor STs, as well as serotypes, associated with cases of IPD to aid in determining the long-term effectiveness of serotype-specific vaccine interventions and to guide development of future vaccines.