No thermal events other than the expected glass transitions, crys

No thermal events other than the expected glass transitions, crystallizations and melting, were observed in the DSC signal upon heating of the material. The spray-dried material of the pure drug compound was put on short term storage to provide an indication of the dry stability of the glass-formers

when kept in the glassy state, below their Tg  . Therefore, all compounds being partially or completely amorphous after spray-drying were stored for 1 month in glass vials over silica gel in an evacuated desiccator at room temperature (22 °C). The solid state of each compound was then analysed again by DSC applying the same DSC protocol as used immediately after production. The fraction of the amorphous LBH589 in vitro phase that had been transformed into a crystalline state upon 1 month of storage (α  ) was calculated by equation(5) α=1-ΔHcrstoredΔHcrwhere ΔHcrstored is the heat of crystallization

of the solid after storage and ΔHcr the same as above, i.e. heat of crystallization determined immediately after spray-drying. The glass-forming ability and dry stability were analysed for their dependence of the following measured physical properties which were obtained from DSC analysis of the unprocessed crystalline material: Tm (onset of melting peak), ΔHm (melt enthalpy from melting peak area), ΔSm (entropy of melting) and ΔGcr (Gibbs free energy of crystallization at storage temperature), and analysis of amorphous material obtained after spray-drying: Tg (the midpoint of the glass transition temperature) and Tcr Levetiracetam (onset of crystallization temperature selleck chemical upon heating at 20 °C/min). In addition, Mw, which previously has been identified as an important molecular property for glass-forming ability ( Baird et al., 2010) and the following adjusted properties were included: reduced Tg (Tg,red which is equal to the ratio

Tg/Tm), Tm − Tg, (Tcr − Tg)/(Tm − Tg), ΔGcr × Tg,red, ΔGcr/Tg,red, ΔGcr × Tg, ΔGcr/Tg, ΔGcr × Mw, ΔGcr/Mw, Tm × Mw, Tm/Mw, Tg × Mw, Tg/Mw, Tg,red × Mw, Tg,red/Mw, Tcr × Tg, Tcr/Tg, Tcr × Mw, Tcr/Mw, ΔGcr × Tcr and ΔGc/Tcr. These adjusted parameters were introduced to make possible the finding of relations between parameters that are non-linearly interdependent. An estimated value of Tg was calculated for compounds for which Tg could not be determined from the thermal analysis, using a procedure described by Baird et al. (2010). In short, the Tg,red of the compounds for which Tg had been experimentally determined was plotted as a function of Mw. A straight line was fitted to the plot and thereby a theoretical Tg could be calculated from the obtained straight line equation. All the above described properties were included as variables and subjected to PLS-DA as implemented in Simca v.11 (Umetrics, Sweden).

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